
Aspen Trees in Winter Painting

Jill Saur

Aspen Trees in Winter Painting

"If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees." 
- Khalil Gibran My 24"x20" aspen tree painting, "Winter Solstice," has richly textured trees, revealing their "bone structure" against the value tones of winter. The title suggests the place in life where we relinquish ourselves and open up our hearts and minds to fresh inspiration and new possibilities.I love aspen trees in late fall and winter. Their beautiful white trunks and dark branches, mingled with the dark shadows cast upon the white snow, create a profound beauty that is best experienced in...

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How To Commission A Painting

Jill Saur

How To Commission A Painting

Are You Looking To Own An Extraordinary Painting That's Just Right For You?  My clients will tell you that you're in the right place!  I Create dynamic expressive works of art and I’ve been painting commissions for clients for over twenty-five years. Why commission a painting with me?  Because you'll get the size painting you're looking for with the colors and subject matter that you want.  You'll own a one-of-a-kind original that will make a unique statement for your home or office.  Most importantly, you're going to get a painting that you love!  The odds of walking into an art gallery and finding a painting that you...

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Rocky Seascape Painting

Jill Saur buy original seascape painting

Rocky Seascape Painting

"My soul is full of longing for the secret of the sea, and the heart of the great ocean sends a thrilling pulse through me." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow  My 12"x12" original acrylic palette knife painting is titled, "Infatuated." It was inspired by my love for the sea. Although I grew up in Florida and the ocean's in my blood, I'll never forget the month I spent at a beach in Maine when I was sixteen. I vividly remember the smell of the sea, the rocky coastline, and the waves crashing upon the white sand. It was a poignant summer for...

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Van Gogh's Misery and Music

Jill Saur

Van Gogh's Misery and Music

Written by Jill Saur 10/16 Several hours before my visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, I read a letter that Vincent wrote to his brother, Theo (below). How ironic that Vincent considered himself a nonentity in the eyes of most people. Fast-forward to today and people flock to the museums to see his work.   “What am I in the eyes of most people — a nonentity, an eccentric, or an unpleasant person — somebody who has no position in society and will never have; in short, the lowest of the low. All right, then...

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Retaining Your Capacity for Astonishment

Jill Saur

Retaining Your Capacity for Astonishment

Martin Glaser, a legendary New York graphic designer, famous for creating the ‘I Love New York’ logo, recently spoke about something that’s dear to my heart.  Martin said, “If you can sustain your interest in what you’re doing, you’re an extremely fortunate person.  What you see very frequently in people’s professional lives, and perhaps in their emotional life as well, is that they lose interest in the third act.  You sort of get tired, and indifferent, and sometimes, defensive and you kind of lose your capacity for astonishment, and that’s a great loss, because the world is a very astonishing place.” Most of my clients...

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